Manuscript Preparation

  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Ms. Word. The total word count of the paper should be around 4000 to 6000 words (inclusive of references which should be compulsorily included in the submitted manuscript)
  • An abstract of 200-400 words with Keywords must also be there.
  • The paper/article/book review should be typewritten in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, double-spaced with a 1” margin on all sides, preferably justified.
  • Citations (in-text and bibliography/works cited) should be prepared manually and not using any automated process of the word-processor in use or other third-party software. Endnotes are preferred to footnotes.
  • The contributors should attach a short biographical note (not more than 150 words) which includes the full name(s), full official address(es), and e-mail(s), on a SEPARATE .docx document so as to facilitate the blind peer review. The main paper/article/book review must in no way contain or bear the author’s name(s), initials or credentials. Failure to ensure this step may result in the article being rejected.
  • The onus is on the author to obtain the necessary permissions for the reproduction of any materials used in the paper/article/book review including, photographs and illustrations for which the author does not hold the copyright.
  • The submitted manuscript of the paper/article/review MUST be original and previously unpublished and should not have been simultaneously submitted to other journals for publication.
  • A plagiarism report (TURNITIN) should be submitted where possible and the ID shared with the editors so as to facilitate cross-checking of the same. The UGC-recommended guidelines on plagiarism shall be adhered to in this matter.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the discretion to reject articles that fail to conform to the above guidelines. Articles with typographical and methodological inconsistencies will be rejected before the review process. Citations - both in-text and bibliographical shall be thoroughly vetted for authenticity.
  • Discretion regarding selected articles rests with the Board of Editors and no communication may be made regarding the same. Reviewer reports are treated as confidential matters and the discretion to share the same rests with the Board of Editors.

Submissions, finally, must include the following:

  • One document in Word format with short Bionote and Declaration(s) regarding a) Guidelines and b) Plagiarism
  • One document in Word format bearing ONLY the Title, Abstract, Submission, and Works Cited.

Failure to follow the above guidelines may result in rejection of the submission(s). The Editorial Board may not intimate the Author(s)/Contributor(s) on the reason(s) for rejection. Author(s)/Contributor(s) are urged to send their FULL SUBMISSIONS only after having read and understood all the guidelines and requirements, as stated previously.

In the case of book reviews, a copy of the book being reviewed (along with a covering letter stating the same) should be posted to the address of the Editor(s).


Climatic Change is devoted to the full scope of climatic variability and change, including its descriptions, causes, consequences, and interactions.

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