Climate Change and Global warming is a scientific phenomenon. It impacts everyone at multiple levels from agriculture to health care. Mitigation strategies are required to limit the global temperature within 1.5 degree Celsius. United Nations makes all efforts to achieve this by working with all the countries. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was first entered into force on 21st March 1994. So far, 198 countries have ratified the Convention and are called Parties to the Convention.
The first Conference Of Parties (COP) was held in 1995 at Berlin. Kyoto Protocal was adopted at COP3 in 1997 committed to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. COP 21 in 2015 , at Paris, agreed to keep global warming below 2 degree Celsius, ideally not more than 1.5 degree Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.
It is important to deliberate on the global response to the Climate Change and PSG has started the Journal of Climate Change and Mitigaton Strategies. The Journal will create a scientific forum for addressing the climate change issues and its impact. The journal will accept research outcomes from science and technology, policy, strategic, and social responses to climate change.
Climatic Change is devoted to the full scope of climatic variability and change, including its descriptions, causes, consequences, and interactions.
The goal of the journal is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences related to the various aspects of climate change. It also aims to facilitate the exchange of information among scientists working on different aspects of the issue in any discipline.
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